• Alexa Naturheilpraxis & Massage
    Tüftelstrasse 28
    5322 Koblenz AG

    Regensbergstrasse 101
    8050 Zürich-Oerlikon

    +41 79 123 63 63
Hot Stone Massage

The Hot Stone Massage has a relaxing effect on not only the muscles and all of the joints in the entire body, but also on the mental state.

The main process is simple: hot stones give warmth off and heat up the entire body. With enough warm muscles, it is easier to relieve stress, pain and fatigue. This massage promotes blood circulation, loosens muscle cramps, tenseness in joints, muscles and promotes the regeneration of the tissue.

The Stones get heated in a water bath at 55 - 60 °C. 

This massage is contraindicated for humans with heart complaints and high blood pressure.