• Alexa Naturheilpraxis & Massage
    Tüftelstrasse 28
    5322 Koblenz AG

    Regensbergstrasse 101
    8050 Zürich-Oerlikon

    +41 79 123 63 63
Kontakt Zuerich-Oerlikon

Alexandra Pavlenko

Alexa naturheilpraxis & massage

Regensbergstrasse 101

8050 Zürich-Oerlikon

alexa at alexa-massagen.ch



Oerlikon Rail Station (7 min. walk)

Tram station 14,10 Salersteig (1 min.walk)


Opening hours:

I welcome you  from 9 am-9 pm.Please call to book your appointment in advance, even if it is last-minute.

Please understand that we cannot reserve  appointments for anonymous patients. While we are with our patients, the phone is not answered.

Please leave a message so we can call you back or send you a text message.

For email reservations, please wait for our confirmation email. Thank you.